Monday 22 June 2009

Dzien OJCA

Do W***:

Kochany synku. To tylko dzien, w ktorym ojcowie i ich dzieci mogą razem spędzić czas. Mi nie było nawet dane to. Jak długo jeszcze. 

Do pokrzywdzonych ojców:

Poniżej jeden z moich przyjaciół wlaczących od 2007. 
Background (Preamble):
M25 protester Geoff Hibbert has gone on hunger strike in Wormwood Scrubs and is only accepting fluids. The prison is worried and are monitoring him very closely.Geoffs prison number is BX1006 B wing.

He knew that there would be consequences to his actions and even accepted the possibilty of a Jail term. 
He became desperate after spending £54,000 unsuccessfully in the Family Courts attempting to gain access to his daughter who he had not seen since August 2007.

Ron Reid his best friend said 'I can't believe it has come to this. Geoff has been my best friend for 24 years and have never seen him so broken.All he wants to do is see his daughter.'

His solicitors Jung and Co in Southall have filed an appeal and are working on getting him bail, but it does not look likely. He is in Wormwood Scrubs and he will remain there untill he is sentenced.

Geoff Hibbert is just a dad and does not deserve to be treated like a terrorist!. 

His action was selfless and courageous and in the Best interests of Children and their Fathers and equality everywhere Now he faces the fury of the Law ?

Why should the Law be used against a loving dad doing the difficult task of bringing awareness of the manifest Injustice of the Family Courts and spiteful mothers
We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens urge the Judiciary and court services to act now to free Geoff Hibbert. We believe his sentence should be proportionate to his alleged crime.

We believe that the Judge should release him immediately and refrain him from any fathers group action for a time.

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